“I appreciate Katrin for her huge amount of knowledge and dedication about the things that she does. Her high sense of empathy opens warm and secure spaces for self reflection and personal learning. Also she invites new thoughts and ways of changing perspective easily and nudges on my good old patterns."
– Sarah
Systemic Constellation and Embodiment Sessions / 3er-Kennenlernangebot / Berührbar und Wundervoll / Only in German: Konstellationen des Lebens – Podcast-Projekt / Sunlit Path (booked out, waiting list) / Description of an online constellation session / What Participants Have Said
Systemic Constellation and Embodiment Sessions
We are integral individuals that are influenced by various systems (family, society, culture, history, etc.). Some of our beliefs are inherited and tend to dictate the course of our lives without our knowing. Systemic constellation is a powerful way to uncover and free ourselves from limiting beliefs through embodying “what is”. The body doesn’t lie, but instead shows us where we live in conflict with our truth and calling. Once we begin to listen to the body’s wisdom, we can consciously create new beliefs and habits. This enables us to live more authentically and joyfully.
As a systemic constellation facilitator, I accompany and support individuals in their processes of liberation, self-acceptance and self-empowerment.

Die Kraft der systemischen Aufstellung selbst erfahren und unverbindlich kennenlernen
Möchtest du tiefer in persönliche Themen eintauchen, um Blockaden zu lösen und Klarheit zu gewinnen? Mit dem Kennenlernangebot erhältst du die Gelegenheit, die transformative Arbeit der systemischen Aufstellung im Einzelsetting selbst zu erleben – ein sicherer Raum im 1:1 Setting, um neue Perspektiven zu gewinnen und dich innerlich zu befreien und zu stärken.
3 Sitzungen für nur 150 Euro (statt 255 Euro)
Erlebe in drei online Einzelaufstellungen, wie Symbole und verkörperter Dialog dich dabei unterstützen, verborgene Schätze und wertvolle Antworten hinter vermeintlichen Widersprüchen und persönlichen Herausforderungen zu entdecken.
Speziell für:
- Menschen, die diese Methode kennenlernen möchten
- Dieses Angebot gilt AUCH für bestehende Klient*innen, die eine neue Person mitbringen
Egal, ob es um familiäre, berufliche oder andere persönliche Themen geht: In diesem geschützten Rahmen finden Anliegen jeder Art Platz. Achtsam und lösungsorientiert begleite ich dich durch jeden einzigartigen Aufstellungsprozess – hin zu mehr Klarheit, Selbst-Bestimmung und Selbst-Vertrauen.
Anmeldung & Terminvergabe unter: [email protected]
Absage bzw. Terminverschiebung ist bis zu 48 Stunden vor dem Stattfinden des Termins möglich, ab 24 Stunden vorher fällt der gesamte Betrag der Einzelsession an.
Berührbar und Wundervoll

3 online Einzelsessions mit systemischer Aufstellung zu jeweils 60 Minuten um nur 195 Euro statt 255 Euro.
„In jedem von uns schlummern Fähigkeiten, die darauf warten, geweckt zu werden, um unser Leben bewusster, mobiler und reicher zu machen. Die verborgenen Fähigkeiten sind sehr viel umfangreicher als die, mit denen wir gewohnt sind zu leben.“
– Moshe Feldenkrais
Wenn wir den Mut fassen, uns vom Leben berühren zu lassen UND bereit sind, die Art von sichtbarer und unsichtbarer Unterstützung zu empfangen, die uns hilft, der inneren Stimme unseres Herzens zu vertrauen, passieren wahre Wunder.
In insgesamt 3 Aufstellungen widmest du dich:
Deiner menschlichen Berührbarkeit, verbannten Verletzungen und dadurch entstandene Abwehr-und Verteidigungsmechanismen;
Dem Würdigen und Reintegrieren von dem was dadurch zu kurz kam oder vergessen wurde;
Dem bedingungslosen Da-Sein für dich selbst und der Rückeroberung deiner Selbstverantwortung.
Für Wen:
Die Aufstellungs- und Verkörperungsarbeit eigent sich für dich, wenn du bereit bist einengende redundante Glaubenssätzen der Eltern oder anderen Bezugspersonen freizugeben. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass du an die Kraft deines Körper- und Spürbewusstseins zur Transformation von Glaubenssätzen glaubst bzw. offen dafür bist deinen Glauben daran über deine eigene Erfahrung zu stärken. In der Aufstellungsarbeit bewegst du dich über dein Körper- und Spürbewusstsein von Abhängikeiten/Verstrickungen in die Selbstverantwortung. Jenseits von Schuldzuweisung.
3 online Einzelsessions zu jeweils 60 Minuten um nur 195 Euro (statt 255 Euro).
Für einen aufbauenden Prozess ist es empfohlen die Sessions im Abstand von 2 bis max. 4 Wochen zu machen. Das Angebot gilt ab der ersten Session 4 Monate lang.
Anmeldung & Terminvergabe unter: [email protected]
Absage bzw. Terminverschiebung ist bis zu 48 Stunden vor dem Stattfinden des Termins möglich, ab 24 Stunden vorher fällt der gesamte Betrag der Einzelsession an.
Only in German: Konstellationen des Lebens – Podcast-Projekt

Jede individuelle Herausforderung ist auch eine Herausforderung der gesamten Welt. Genauso ist die Lösungsfindung und Transformation, die im Prozess einer individuellen Aufstellungs-Session geschehen, eine Lösung und Heilung für das Kollektiv/die Welt. 👣🌎
Um individuelle Lösungsfindungen mehreren Menschen zugänglich zu machen, kreieren wir gerade einen Audio-Podcast mit aufgezeichneten online Aufstellungs-Einzelsessions.
Dafür suche ich Menschen, die über die Aufstellungsarbeit Lösungsansätze für persönliche Herausforderungen/Themen finden möchten und sich bereit erklären, ihre online Aufstellungs-Session aufzuzeichnen. Der individuelle Prozess dient als Inspiration und Ermutigung für andere Menschen, die sich eventuell in einer ähnlichen Situation befinden. ✨
Als Dankeschön gibt es eine 50%ige Reduzierung auf jede Einzelsession (40 statt 85 Euro). Die online Session wird mit deiner Zustimmung von mir aufgezeichnet und diese Audioaufzeichnung bzw. Teile davon werden (ohne Video & ohne Namensnennung) für den Podcast verwendet.
Wenn du bereits mit online Einzelsessions vertraut bist bzw. du die Methode zu einem günstigen Preis kennenlernen möchtest, melde dich per 💌: [email protected]
Sunlit Path (booked out, waiting list)

Sunlit Path (booked out, waiting list)
"Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything."
– Mirra Alfassa
The intention of the Sunlit Path is to bring more consciousness and loving acceptance to our relationships with ourselves and others through the art of constellation and embodiment work.
The one-to-one sessions (60 minutes) take place via Zoom or Skype.
It is recommended to continue the work over 6 months (6-8 sessions) in order to rewrite worn-out patterns into a new and for oneself suitable belief system.
With the Sunlit Path offer you are free to give for each session of 60 minutes as much as you can and feels good to you. The free giving shall support us in working and cooperating more freely with each other.
There is a maximum number of places for the Sunlit Path offer.
For further information and to schedule your session contact me directly: [email protected]
Clients are kindly asked to cancel or reschedule appointments with a notice of at least 48 hours beforehand. Otherwise, clients are asked to pay for the session in full.
The sessions take place via Zoom or Skype.
Single Session (60 minutes): 85 Euro
30 minutes of the first session are free.
Package offer: 10 sessions (each 60 minutes): 780 Euro (instead of 850 Euro)
For further information and to schedule your session contact me directly: [email protected]
Description of an online constellation session
At the first appointment, we will have an initial conversation where I will ask you some orientation questions about your issue/wish. Before we begin the constellation, I will explain the principles of constellation and embodiment work that we will be using. Once everything is clear to you, we will start the constellation by finding symbols (objects you have at home or even paper can be used). These symbols will represent you and your issue (this could be a problem, a heartfelt wish, or a specific person or situation). You will then intuitively place these symbols in your space.
Next, you can take the place of the symbols and use your whole body to perceive what you feel in each position. We will focus on your perceptions in the respective positions; you don't need to do or know anything specific, and there is no right or wrong. Often, I also tune into one role or another, allowing a dialogue. We work phenomenologically, meaning there is no prescribed concept; we are guided by your perceptions and the resulting dialogue. In the roles, you are free to move and experiment. You can change the position until you arrive at a place where you feel good and satisfied regarding your topic.
At the end, we will “anchor” the findings. This means we will find sensory memories (through a movement, image, sound, smell, and taste) for the insights from your session in order to help you integrate them into your life.
After two weeks, there will be a written check-in via email.
What Participants Have Said
“Through the constellation work with Katrin, an old issue had the opportunity to resurface. Initially surprised by this, I was deeply moved by how lovingly I was able to embrace it.
The process, which Katrin accompanied me through with great empathy, felt so natural and clear. After the session, I feel sustainably strengthened; I continue the initiated process creatively with inner images and expressions, and I can integrate the experiences into my daily life.
I find the constellation work very valuable for bringing deeply hidden issues to consciousness. I highly recommend working with Katrin!”
– Eveline V.
“I have struggled for so long to bring my life, my thoughts, my actions, and my desires into a space that feels coherent and right. I have done so many things, but I have never experienced anything as powerful as embodiment work.
What is crucial is the consistency with which one follows the impulses of their true self. The beauty is that I can turn towards these impulses 1000 times a day with questions, complaints, gratitude, desires, and love, and learn to understand the TRUTH of what is given. This time, I managed to maintain the anchoring ritual daily. The less effort you put into it, the more intense and expansive the space that opens up becomes.
I know so much and fundamentally have such a reliable intuition for the processes in the invisible realm. Yet, I have often allowed myself to be easily unsettled and always sought confirmation. In reality, the only confirmation needed is from within oneself. This experience of self-confirmation, which I was able to gain in the last session, was something truly decisive.
I enjoy the cessation of my usually loud thoughts, I enjoy the silence, and I am grateful that the urge to want everything to be different and the constant feeling of needing to be different have distanced themselves from me.”
– Andrea H.
“I find the online constellation work with Katrin particularly helpful and clarifying for my life issues. Through Katrin's empathetic manner and her finely tuned sensitivity, I have entered a creative process that is healing and clarifying, bringing me a deep inner peace.
I experienced how something heavy can suddenly become light through embodiment, opening up new paths. After the constellation session, I feel strengthened and can integrate the experiences into my everyday life.
As a result, I have developed a completely different sense of life. With each individual session, I feel a bit more alive, with more trust and well-being in my body. It feels like coming home.
I can wholeheartedly recommend the constellation work with Katrin and am grateful that this path has opened up for me.”
– Gudrun S.
“I met Katrin at her Contact Improvisation and Authentic Movement seminar. She sent out so much joy and at the same time so much wisdom. Her presence instilled in me the confidence to do a constellation session with her. With Katrin, I always have the feeling that she has a direct connection to the essence of life.
During a couples session, she conveyed the language of the heart to my husband and me. This language fosters authenticity, creates clarity and purity, and permeates all the activities I have experienced with Katrin so far. Each time, it liberated me and gave me a sense of wholeness.”
– Jenni E.
“In a recent constellation session with Katrin, I was able to let go of an old, heavy, and very restrictive family pattern that I had been aware of for a long time.
A few days later, I found it very easy to take time for myself and do something nice for myself: I spent an entire day at the spa, on what would normally be a workday. I had never allowed myself such a treat before.
An old belief has transformed, and healing has taken place in all directions.
Thank you for the clear and empathetic process guidance, dear Katrin!”
– Linda E.
“Katrin has a delicate touch and mindfulness in creating spaces for self-recognition and development. It feels light, cozy, and heartfelt to dive into conscious awareness with her.
Katrin provides fitting cues and guidance to come into oneself and leads and supports as needed. She possesses wonderful methods available for expression in both group and individual settings.
The true experience is only known through first-hand experience with Katrin, and it will be different for each person. For me, diving into something with Katrin, whether it's dance or constellation work, always feels incredibly enriching.”
– Christoph L.
“Yes, to be seen and acknowledged are the wishes of my counterpart. Then there is no need to act like a “naughty child” trying to attract attention that way. It was especially important to have done the preliminary work of releasing myself from the “inadequate mother role”. I am so grateful to you for sensing the sequence of issues so well. Your work is wonderful!”
– Brigitte
“I love treating myself to 1:1 sessions with Katrin... to free myself from all the versions of me that do not serve. I am infinitely grateful to her for the work she does. Her presence is magical, and her compassion is a blessing. She is a great teacher!!!”
– Ivana Z.
“It was a very special constellation for me, not something I had expected, and right afterwards, I had a feeling of “exactly right”. The way everything unfolded and revealed itself... so beautiful!
Anchoring was important for me. “Staying with myself” and “allowing myself retreat” carried me through the past two weeks. It helped me make decisions—for myself. A lot has changed.
Decisive steps towards direction and future and resolving my second job. Like shedding what doesn't fit in the (for me) “wrong places” and making space for new things.”
– Alexandra
“The systemic embodiment work with Katrin is almost indescribable in its magic. I'll try nonetheless: Freedom, self-discovery, letting go, understanding, grasping, love, magic, arriving at oneself, friendship, connection, security, acceptance, appreciation.
Katrin allows you to be free. She values you for who you are, with everything you bring to her. There is no rush; with her, I immediately feel calm because everything is already okay. Katrin lovingly extends her hands to you and journeys with you—to your home within yourself.”
– Miriam H.
“Katrin has the ability, with her keen sensitivity, to create a space where letting go and allowing happen naturally. During this time, the mind can rest while the body takes centre stage, revealing a new, unfamiliar piece of myself. It's a deeply moving and inspiring experience in many ways.
A heartfelt thank you and looking forward with anticipation!”
– Birgit R.
“I spent almost the entire vacation in my childhood home, and for the first time in a very long time, I felt truly comfortable and free there. The constellations have liberated me from many things, and since then, I can truly see myself well.
Thank you for working with me on myself!”
– Christina S.
“The constellation work and the work with my own body have been very beneficial for me, strengthening me and reconnecting me further with myself and my inner wisdom. Everyone should try this work at least once! Katrin possesses tremendous knowledge, and great wisdom emanates from her words.
Thank you, Katrin, for your work and actions in your natural way—profound yet light at the same time!”
– Susanne F.