Retreats & Workshops

International participants are very welcome to join any of the seminars! Translation to German, English, Portuguese and Spanish are possible.
Please find all the information about the current offline workshops in German on my website ( or contact me directly.

Systemic Constellation & Dance (Contact Improvisation) Retreat / Contact Improvisation Summer Immersion / Back to the Essence: Yoga & Hiking Retreat / Schlössl Jam / Yoga-Retreat at the Sea / Heart to Heart: A Retreat at the Sea for Couples

Systemic Constellation & Dance (Contact Improvisation) Retreat

Berührbarkeit Wunder

26th -28th of July 2024 at Schloss Laubegg, Styria

Contribution Seminar: 
255 Euro (Early Bird until 26th of March 2024) 
285 Euro (regular)
225 Euro (bring a friend)

Accommodation Schloss Laubegg (price per night and person, half-board included): 
Approx. 60 Euro in double room 
Approx. 70 Euro in single room
Approx. 50 Euro in dormitory 

More info and registration: 
[email protected]

Contact Improvisation Summer Immersion

Contact  Improvisation  Yoga 9267

27th to 30th of June 2024 at Dientnerhof, Dienten am Höchkönig, Salzburg 

4 days dedicated to the sensing and moving body deepening and expanding the liberating language of dance. 

Thorough exploration of the basic and advanced techniques of Contact Improvisation; elements of Authentic Movement, partnering and free dance; moving in and with nature; easy (barefoot) walking on the surrounding mountain paths.
Optional: Film, sauna, games and music impros in the evenings

Contribution Seminar: 
255 Euro (Early Bird until 27th of March 2024) 
285 Euro (regular)
225 Bring a friend (per person if you register together with a friend) 

Accommodation Seminarhotel Dientnerhof (price per night and person, half-board included): 
65 Euro in double room
85 Euro in single room
53 Euro in double room/dormitory for students

More info & registration: [email protected]

Back to the Essence: Yoga & Hiking Retreat

Herbst Retreat Bioarche 2024

6th -9th of September 2024 at Bioarche, Karintia Austria

Prices Retreat: 
Early bird (until 15th of July): 255 Euro
Regular: 285 Euro 

Accommodation with half-board at Bioarche:

More info & registration: [email protected]

Schlössl Jam

Schlössl Jam

26th - 29th of September 2024 at Puttererschlössl in Aigen bei Liezen, Styria, Austria

4 days Contact Impro Jam with live music in a beautiful castle surrounded by amazing mountains and a lake.
Info & registration (only in German):

Yoga-Retreat at the Sea

Bacalar kayac

10th to 13th of October 2024 at Miramar Hotel in Opatija, Croatia

Retreat Price (without accommodation): 
Early bird: 255 Euro (with registration before 20th of July 2024)
Regular: 285 Euro 

Program: Daily yoga sessions, contemplative walkabouts in nature, connecting with the ocean using breathing exercises, meditations and full-body sea immersion.  

More info & registration: [email protected] 


Heart to Heart: A Retreat at the Sea for Couples

Paar Retreat Oktober 2024

This retreat is specifically designed for couples who wish to invite more ease and depth into their relationship. During these days by the sea, you can rediscover and explore yourself and your relationship with your partner in a lighthearted and connecting way

Through the heart to heart conversation for couples and elements of systemic constellation and embodiment, Katrin and Ben create a safe space where feelings, thoughts, needs, and desires can be freely expressed. Unspoken and conflict-laden issues are given space in this supported environment and can transform and resolve through the couple’s attention. Participants in this retreat are invited to focus on their individual freedom as well as their special connection and shared mission as a couple.


  • Introduction to the heart to heart conversation for couples, which brings the heart, mind, and the couple’s relationship into coherence
  • Introduction to systemic constellation: exercises to embody the "2-Natures Doctrine," our material (I) and spiritual levels (Self), Yin and Yang, Eros and Logos, body and mind
  • Relaxation exercises from holistic dance in between
  • Contemplative nature walks in silence as well as time together in nature
  • Appreciative exchange and mutual learning with other couples
  • Time to relax and unwind in the beautiful wellness and spa area of the hotel
  • Delicious Mediterranean breakfast buffet and multi-course dinner
  • Closing ritual for the sustainable strengthening of the couple’s relationship

Facilitators: Katrin Oberrauner (certified systemic constellation leader & systemic coach, holistic dance educator) and Ben Croker (systemic constellation, holistic dance educator).

Retreat Fee: 
Early bird: 235 Euro (per person with registration by 31st of July 2024) 
Regular: 265 Euro per person

Accommodation (not included) at Miramar Hotel (located directly by the sea with delicious Mediterranean half-board and beautiful wellness area). More information: 

Please indicate your room preference at registration. Price information (there are special rates for retreat participants) & reservation will then be forwarded to the hotel.

Mehr Infos & Anmeldung unter: [email protected] 

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+43 680 325 8470
Graz, Austria