Rooted & Free: Introductory Evenings in Systemic Constellation and Embodiment

Next Event: Saturday, July 20th, 7:00-8:30 PM at Casa Ananda, Alberstrasse 9/3, 8010 Graz

During this introductory evening, you will gain a tangible insight into the wonderful method of systemic constellation and embodiment (founded by Siegfried Essen). Constellation work involves natural transformation, resolving, and creating a harmonious redesign of beliefs and (family) entanglements.


  • What do the polarities (yin-yang, male-female, human-divine, dual-nondual, etc.) have to do with constellation work?
  • How does a systemic constellation work?
  • Which topics are suitable for a constellation session? 
  • How does constellation with symbols work?
  • How can I use constellation work for myself?

During the introductory evening, these and other emerging personal questions about systemic constellation will be answered. You will learn how to use and apply the method of systemic constellation in your daily life.

Facilitator: Mag. Katrin Oberrauner is a certified systemic constellation leader, trained in systemic coaching and a holistic dance pedagogue.

Contribution: €25-15 (self-assessment)

No prior experience in systemic constellation is necessary.

Registration via Email: [email protected] or at:

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+43 680 325 8470
Graz, Austria